Do you keep your word – to yourself?

One of the things that really gets under my skin—and I know I’m not alone in this—is something that many people find equally frustrating. It’s a behavior that can be downright maddening, and it’s been described with words like “annoying,” “infuriating,” and “incompetent,” just to name a few.

And yet, here’s the kicker: we all do it from time to time, often without even realizing it. Yes, even me.

So, what am I talking about?

I’m talking about keeping your word—saying what you’ll do and then actually doing it. It’s so simple, yet so vital.

When we fail to do this—when we say one thing and do another—we quickly build a negative reputation. It frustrates people. It erodes trust. It makes us unreliable.

Of course, there are times when life throws us curveballs, and we genuinely can’t keep our word. That’s just how life goes. People understand that. The key is communication. If you can’t follow through on a commitment, just be honest about it. Explain why, and most people will understand.

What really grinds people’s gears is when you don’t communicate at all—when you pretend everything’s fine, even though it’s not. That’s when the real damage is done.

So, let’s agree on one simple principle: Do what you say, and say what you do.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. I’m pretty good at keeping my word to others—but I’ve realized in recent years that I’m not always great at keeping my word to myself. How about you?

Do you follow through on the promises you make to yourself? It’s easy to think it doesn’t matter—after all, no one else knows about those promises, right? But it does matter.

When you don’t keep your word to yourself, you build up resentment—toward yourself. And of all the conflicts you can face, inner conflict is the worst. As someone who’s coached hundreds of people through conflict, I can tell you that nothing is more draining than holding two opposing thoughts in your own mind, or constantly adding to your to-do list without ever checking things off.

So, what can you do if this sounds familiar?

Start by taking an honest look at yourself. Do you consistently do what you say you will, especially when it comes to your own commitments? If not, it’s time to pull up your socks and hold yourself accountable.

Make a list of your non-negotiables. Set a timeline. Ditch the excuses. And then, do what you said you would do.

I’m not perfect, but I’ve been working on this a lot. And like with anything, the more you practice, the better you get. The more you live in integrity—not just with others, but with yourself—the better life becomes.

So, as Nike says: Just do it!

PS. If you’re ready to stop breaking promises to yourself and start living in alignment with your goals, I can help. As a leadership coach with over 30 years of experience, I’ve worked with leaders across the globe to develop accountability, build integrity, and achieve lasting change. Let’s work together to take you from where you are to where you want to be. Send us a message, and let’s make your next move your best move.

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